02 May 2012

Glossy box//april 2012

In my box. 

caudalie, vinosource SOS thirst-quenching serum full size; £29
"a newly-launched ultra-concentrated serum is extremely natural and plant based, ensuring your skin never lacks moisture."

inika, organic eyeliner. full size; £11.75
"a rich and cream consistency unparalleled in the world of natural liners"

ayuuri, natural body wash.; full size; £4.95
"the whole range is based on fruit, plant and flower extracts that have long been used in india to enhance skin's natural beauty"

figs and rouge, lip balm. full size; £3.29
"100% pure, natural and organic multipurpose balm. excellent for smoothing and naturally hydrating dry lips and skin."

kai, perfume oil. full size; £41.00
"intoxicating blend of gardenia wrapped in white exotics"

I got my first glossy box the other day, I didn't really know what to expect as I have read very mixed reviews on the company. I guess its like a lucky bag, its either gonna be a hit or a miss. I must addmit I wasn't expecting much but it turn out to be a nice wee treat. 
Anybody can apply for the box and for just £9.99 per box you get at least £50 worth of goodies and samples! After you apply you answer some simple beauty questions so they know what colour of make up/types of smells you prefer. The box is advertised as the most luxurious of its kind, the box its self was beautiful and is like a nice wee gift box you would get with a present in it and end up keeping to put some nail polishes or something in.
Each box also comes with a description of the items and how much it is worth!  I was only disappointed that they sent me a blue eye liner, but that might be down to how I answered the mini questionnaire. All in all I was quite happy with my box, it definitely had that touch of class and luxury they proudly advertise on their web site. 

OH and they have a men's section!!!

Let me know if you got one and what you all thought!